
In the deep blue sky are millions of stars,And on this green land are only a few stars,
To know more about the twinklin star,we all gape using a telescope,
To know more about this shinning star. All you have is my blogspot in your scope

Welcome to the ROMANTIC brackets of { Vinuthan }

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Lord Ganesha is one of the most prominent deities in Hinduism. Ganesha has the unique distinction that his name is always invoked before any other God's name in any prayer service. Legend has it that Lord Ganesha received this distinction as a blessing from his parents, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Ganesha is designated as the chief (-eesha) of all of Lord Shiva's ganas (servers) - hence his name, Ganesha.
We begin with an invocation to Lord Ganesha - he of the single tusk, whose vehicle is the mouse and he who penned the Mahabharata with his own hands.
vakratunda mahaakaaya suryakoti samaprabhaa.
nirvighnam kurumedeva sarvakaaryeshu sarvadaa..

Salutations to the supreme Lord Ganesha, whose curved trunk (vakra-tunda) and massive body (maha-kaayaa) shines like a million suns (surya-koti) and showers his blessings on everyone (sama-prabhaa). Oh my lord of lords Ganesha (kurume-deva), kindly remove all obstacles (nir-vighnam), always (sarva-) and forever (sarvadaa-) from all my activities and endeavors (sarva-kaaryeshu).


AUM shrIm gam saubhaagya ga~Npataye
varvard sarvajanm me.n vaShamaanya namH

The prayer for prosperity is based on the word, gam, which is the beej (seed) mantra for Lord Ganesha. We ask for good fortune (sau-bhaagya) and many blessings and wishes (var-vard) for our current and future life-times (sarva-janam-me.n). We bow in homage (namH) to Lord Ganesha who protects us with long lives (avaShamaanya) of health and happiness. A concise form of this mantra, suitable for multiple rapid repetitions is simply - "AUM gam ga~Npataye namH" - ( गम गणपतये नम:)
Ganesha Gayatri Mantras

The Ganesha Gayatris are prayers to Lord Ganesha that are composed in the 24-syllable meter of the original Gayatri Mantra. Several variations of the Gayatri can be composed by invoking the various descriptive names of Ganesha in the appropriate place(s) of the original mantra.
  • AUM tadapurushhaaya viddhamahe, vakratunDaaya dhImahi, tanno danti prachodayaat.h.
We pray to the supreme and perfect male (tadapurusāya) who is omnipresent (viddhamahe). We meditate upon and pray for greater intellect (dhīmahi) to the Lord with the curved, elephant-shaped trunk (vakratunāya). We bow before the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth (tanno danti) to illuminate our minds with wisdom (pracodayāt).
  • AUM ekadantaaya viddhamahe, vakratunDaaya dhImahi, tanno danti prachodayaat.h.
    ganesha gayatri ganesha gayatri

We pray to the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth (ekadantāya) who is omnipresent (viddhamahe). We meditate upon and pray for greater intellect (dhīmahi) to the Lord with the curved, elephant-shaped trunk (vakratunāya). We bow before the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth (tanno danti) to illuminate our minds with wisdom (pracodayāt).
  • AUM lambodaraaya viddhamahe, mahodaraaya dhImahi, tanno danti prachodayaat.h.
We pray to the one with the expandable belly (lambodarāya) who is omnipresent (viddhamahe). We meditate upon and pray for greater intellect (dhīmahi) to the Lord with the huge belly (mahodarāya). We bow before the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth (tanno danti) to illuminate our minds with wisdom (pracodayāt).

This is taken from www.eaglespace.com


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